Strategies for Preserving Chicago’s Small NOAH Buildings: Supporting Owners

This is the first in a series of blog posts exploring policies and programs to preserve small naturally occurring affordable (or “NOAH”) properties in Chicago.

How do we support current owners of 2-4 unit buildings?

It can be challenging to own and manage a small rental building. Property owners—both owner-occupants and small non-resident owners—may need extra support to do it well. Supporting existing owners can help them hold and maintain their properties over the long term, building generational wealth. Research indicates that long-term ownership plays a role in preserving tenants’ affordability.

1. Make existing resources for owners more accessible.

There are existing resources for 2-4 unit property owners, but there is no centralized source of information on these programs. Currently, owners must independently seek out resources. A centralized source could help ensure owner-occupants access the full breadth of available resources, and a hub could help coordinate the development of new programs for 2-flat owners.

2. Offer targeted support in times of crisis.

The 2008 financial crisis demonstrated that 2-4 unit properties are particularly vulnerable to loss of income by owners and/or tenants. In the wake of the pandemic, 2-4 unit properties should be aggressively targeted for loan modification and mortgage assistance, particularly when tenants or owners were economically affected by the pandemic.

3. Help owners manage their properties and reduce operating expenses.

Interventions that help decrease operating expenses, expand owner-occupant capacity, and decrease time commitment can help stabilize owner-occupants. Reducing the most challenging elements of owner-occupancy will help encourage and facilitate long-term ownership.

4. Develop financial resources and explore new approaches to underwriting.

The unique nature of owner-occupied 2-4 unit properties can limit mortgage and refinance options from traditional lenders. Capital from financial institutions or the City could enable CDFIs or other lenders to modify existing loan programs to better serve 2-4 unit properties and/or create new products. Grants and forgivable loan products can help households become homeowners, keep current owners in their homes and improve conditions for tenants.

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